You can contact our
technical support whenever you need assistance by email at
When you
subscribe, you will receive a comprehensive guide with the
installation process. Additionally, you have a video guide available on
YouTube channel.
Installation Video Guide:
Whenever you subscribe to IHAVEABOT, you will need to send us your
Machine ID, which is the identification of your
NinjaTrader platform.
You can find this number in the control center
of the platform. In the Help menu,
choose the "About" option, and a window will
appear displaying your Machine ID.
We recommend copying and
pasting it to avoid errors, as the number is quite long.
Don't forget to send
this number along with the name under which you subscribed to the service via
You can check our Machine ID guide at the following:
-NinjaTrader platform (works with the free version)
-Account with a Broker, Funded
Account, or Simulated Account
1- Click on this link
At the bottom, you will see a form to fill out that will grant you access to download
the NinjaTrader platform with real-time market data.
3- After
completing the form, you can download the platform. In your
folder, you will find the file that you need to run to begin the
It is an algorithm that autonomously trades in pre-defined markets. Once installed, there's nothing else to do – the algorithm takes care of everything.
Live accounts (with a broker)
Funded company
Simulated accounts
automatically in the Nasdaq futures index and the SP500, the
markets with
the highest liquidity in the world. Nasdaq comprises the top
technology companies globally, and the SP500 includes the 500 companies with the
highest market capitalization on the NYSE. They are the most closely followed and
representative indices in the market for professional investors.
Guide "Where does IHAVEABOT
It's just a recommendation.
Our Bot works with the NinjaTrader platform,
one of the most powerful and
well-known platforms globally. In addition to
developing the NinjaTrader platform,
they provide
brokerage services, and your trades will go directly to the CME market
without intermediaries.
We provide a link for you to review the
information and get in touch with them.
They offer sales
and support assistance in Spanish.
Among the options you have to use IHAVEABOT, there are funded accounts. These
are companies that provide you with the opportunity to qualify, through a
test, to use their capital for trading. Prior to this, you have to pass a test without
breaking any of their rules.
These types of accounts are for traders who do not have
much experience in real market trading or lack
sufficient capital.
These companies will provide you with the NinjaTrader
platform and access to real-time market data, including the cost of the test.
NinjaTrader offers the opportunity to try their platform for free with real-time market
With this option, you can use any IHAVEABOT subscription plan.
visiting this link, you can download the platform and open a simulated account:
you need assistance with downloading and setting up the platform, refer to our
installation guide in this YouTube video:
You can check our Calendar to know the holidays in the US and the recommended days NOT
to trade with IHAVEABOT in the
American market.
Indicative Calendar
Choose the plan that best suits your capital or the type of account you have.
You can
easily switch plans to add more markets to your trading.
Just follow the steps of our
secure payment gateway .
With three simple steps, you can start using IHAVEABOT.
For any
inquiries, remember that you can always contact our technical support via
Vídeo Guide "3 Steps to Start using IHAVEABOT"
Our subscription plans do not have any associated lock-in periods. You can cancel anytime you want on your user control panel.
Credit or Debit card
After you
make the subscription payment:
During business hours from Monday to Friday
(Europe CEST -Madrid) from 08:00 AM to 06:00 PM, you can receive the
algorithm within 15 minutes.
Outside our business hours, you will
receive the BOT within a maximum of 24 hours, considering the time zone difference of
the country you are
La operación de futuros y forex sobrelleva riesgos
substanciales y no es para todos los inversionistas. Un inversionista, podría,
potencialmente perder todo o más de la inversión inicial. Capital de Riesgo, es dinero que
puede ser perdido, sin poner en juego la seguridad financiera o estilo de vida de la
persona. Solo capital de riesgo debe ser utilizado para trading, y solo aquellas personas con
suficiente capital de riesgo deben considerar trading. Resultados pasados, no son
necesariamente indicativos de resultados futuros.
Resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento deben
tener muchas limitaciones inherentes, algunas de las cuales se describen a
continuación. No se debe hacer representación de que alguna de las cuentas va o es probable que
tenga resultados similares a los mostrados; de hecho, hay diferencias frecuentes entre
los resultados hipotéticos y los resultados actuales
obtenidos por cualquier programa de trading. Una de
las limitaciones de resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento
es el hecho de que son preparados con los beneficios
en retrospectiva. Además, trading hipotético no involucra riesgo financiero, y ningún record
de trading hipotético puede considerar el riesgo financiero de operaciones
reales. Por ejemplo, la capacidad de resistir pérdidas o de
adherirse a un programa de trading particular sin importar pérdidas son
puntos materiales los cuales pueden afectar de manera
substancial resultados de trading real. Hay muchos factores relacionados a los mercados en
general, o a la implementación de cualquier programa de trading especifico, los cuales no
pueden ser todos considerados en la preparación de resultados hipotéticos, todos estos, pueden
afectar los resultados de trading de forma adversa.